00TIGER & BUNNY(2)Netflix視聴 #1 A word to the wise is enough.(一を聞いて十を知る) / #2 No one knows the weight of another's burden.(他人の荷物の重さは、誰にも分からない) / #3 Suspicion will raise bogies.(疑いは悪霊を呼び寄せる) / #4 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.(今日できることを明日に延ばすな) / #5 Live and let live.(自分も生き、他人も生かせ) / #6 Youth should be regarded with respect.(後生おそるべし) / #7 Out of the mouths of babes oft times come gems.(赤子の口から宝石) / #8 You can't judge a book by its cover.(外見だけでは中身を判断できない) / #9 Have not thy cloak to make when it begins to rain.(雨が降り始めてからレインコートを作らせるな) / #10 Pride comes before a fall.(驕りが滅亡の前にやってくる) / #11 Every cloud has a silver lining.(どの雲も裏は銀色) / #12 Man's extremity is God’s opportunity.(人の難局は神の好機) / #13 Constant dropping wears away a stone.(点滴、石を穿つ)